Team des Gleichstellungsbüros
phone: (0345) 55 -21359
fax: (0345) 55 -27636 (neu)
Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)
Bürozeiten: Mo–Fr 8.30–15.00 Uhr
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
News and Events
On these pages (and on Instagram ), you will find information on gender equality in science—compiled especially, but not exclusively, for the Gender Equality Officers of MLU:
From time to time, we send out this information bundled as an "Info List" via email. If interested, please feel free to subscribe. All previous info lists can be found at the bottom of this page.
For further information, we particularly refer you to the following newsletters, journals, and websites:
- Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung der MLU sowie Newsletter der MLU
- Rundbrief der Koordinierungsstelle Genderforschung & Chancengleichheit LSA und GenderCampus LSA
- CEWSjournal , CEWS- Veranstaltungskalender und CEWS- Calls
- Innovative Frauen im Fokus
Here is an overview of most of the sources we use. Despite reviewing the included events and news, we do not take responsibility for their content.