Büro der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
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fax: (0345) 55 -27099
Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)
Bürozeiten: Mo–Fr 8.30–15.00 Uhr
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
General news
GENDER EQUALITY SCIENCE | INSTRUMENTS / STRATEGIES / FUNDING | PERSONNEL (Appointment, Staffing, Personnel Development, Remuneration, Career) | (Women in) STEM / (Men in) CARE | MISCONDUCT (sexism, sexualised harassment and violence, bullying, abuse of power) | VISIBILITY (communication, representation) | GENDER in FO+LE (RESEARCH AND EDUCATION/TEACHING) | INTERSECTIONALITY / DGI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion) | GENDER DIVERSITY | COMPATIBILITY (with parenting/care) | DIGITIZATION | CORONA | OBJECTION | SCIENCE IN GENERAL | GENDER EQUALITY | EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICER
- VISIBILITY: The IFIF project Diversity-X has developed an innovative tool to record and improve citation diversity in science. (IFiF , Tool )
- MISCONDUCT: On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the participatory action "We break the silence" calls for nationwide solidarity with women affected by violence from 14 November. (Help Hotline )
- GENDER in FO+LE: The EU project GENDERACTIONplus has launched a Horizon Europe NCP Portal Online- Course on "gender dimension in research" developed. (BMBF EU Office )
- GENDER EQUALITY: In the ATHENA project, a Toolkit to create an equality plan that summarises everything that has already been developed on the topic in corresponding sister projects. (BMBF EU Office )
- CORONA / COMPATIBILITY: Women who became mothers during the pandemic interrupt their employment longer than women who became mothers before, according to a study Study of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). (idw )
- GENDER EQUALITY: What reduces the performance of female students - Despite better Abitur grades, female students receive lower grades than students. A new Study investigates the reasons. According to the study, the decisive factor is above all that female students feel that women are discriminated against at universities. (FuL 9/2024 )
- COMPATIBILITY: Working women do an average of eight hours more unpaid work per week than men, according to a study Study of the WSI. (PM )
- CONTRADICTION: Attacks on scientists are increasing. After a study by the DZHF in cooperation with KAPAZ 45% of all researchers have already experienced hostility to science. All departments and status groups are affected - with slight accumulations, e.g. in gender and climate research, among junior professors and among women. (FuL 6/24 ) Scicomm Support : Support of scientists and science communicators in the event of attacks and unobjective conflicts in science communication.
- GENDER in FO+LE: "My life is not enough to fill the gender data gap" - Ute Seeland, holder of the endowed professorship for gender-sensitive medicine at the OVGU Magdeburg, on the challenges of gender-equitable medicine. (FuL 8/2024 )
- PERSONNEL: University leaders - Women are in office for a shorter period of time, according to the first results of an ongoing research process, although the data say nothing about causes and conditions. (FuL 6/24 , article as a scan in the office)
- GENDER EQUALITY: HU Berlin has achieved great success in the equality of women in science, especially in top positions: The proportion of women in professorships has almost doubled since 2008 and stood at 39.8% in 2023. Gender parity has already been achieved among research assistants. However, there are still major differences between the individual subject groups. (Press Release 8/2024 )
- GENDER EQUALITY IN GENERAL: Statement of the bukof "Free period products for everyone at universities" published.
- INTERSECTIONALITY / DGI: Pilot project at the FU – An awareness team was present for the first time at this year's university summer party. (BLOG Gender Equitable )
- COMPATIBILITY: For female scientists with laboratory work, pregnancy often means a ban on working – and thus a career obstacle. New gender equality strategies are intended to help – e.g. pregnancy laboratories. (FuL 8/2024 )
Infolist May 2023