Büro der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
phone: (0345) 55 -21359
fax: (0345) 55 -27636 (neu)
Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)
Bürozeiten: Mo–Fr 8.30–15.00 Uhr
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Sexism, Sexual Assault, Mobbing, misuse of power
- Police emergency number 110 | Halle police station, An der Fliederwegkaserne 17, 06130 Halle (Saale), 0345 2242000
- Help hotline 'Violence against women': (08000) 116 016 | (24/7, telephone and email/chat, anonymous, multilingual, for victims, witnesses and supporters)
Discrimination because of gender (sexism), sexualised assault and violence and mobbing are deep violations of humans safety and dignity.
It can lead to serious consequences for sufferers. Furthermore it harms science and society and can cause negative consequences for the facilities in which they took place.
Sexism, sexualised aussault and violence are to be faught - preventitive and through consequent and sensitive reactions.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Guide for Protection from Discrimination, sexualised Assault and Violencet, 2015
- Arrangement about Administration Procedure when it comes to violence, threatening or sexualised violence by students, 2012
- Company Deal about Fighting Mobbing, 2021
Definition and guide lines
- Discrimination
- Sexual or sexualized harassment
- What to do, if something happened?
- What can be done against discrimination?
Service points, online and phone support
MLU sets value on discrimination-, assault- and violence free contact with eachother as a part of good research-, teaching- and lerning conditions. Sexism, sexualised assault and violence and mobbing incongruously with that.
The Prevention and Counseling Office Anti-Discrimination was arranged in 2018. On their homepage you can find further information about regulations, contact persons and procedures at MLU.
- Discrimination and sexualised assault and violence - Counceling and Support for students and staff - List and Roadmaps
- Eqaul Opportunities Officerse: (confidential) Counseling and Support (§15 FrFG LSA i.V.m. & 72 II HSG LSA)
- Prevention and Counseling Office Anti-Discrimination
- AK Sexuelle Belästigung
- AGG-Complaint Point (for/about staff)
- AGG-Complaint Pint(for/about students): Referat 1.4 der Abteilung 1 (Studium und Lehre)
- Social and Conflict Counseling Office
- Weißer Ring : Help for victims of crime
- "safe now"-App
Rules and Regulations
- Directive on Protection against Discrimination, (Sexual) Harassment and Violence, 2015
- Anti-Bullying Service Agreement, 2021
- Regulations on the Administrative Procedure in the Case of Violence, Threats and Sexual Harassment by Students, 2023
- Framework Service Agreement for the revention of Discrimination, Bullying and (Sexual) Harassment , 2024
- Statutes on the Principles for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and on the handling of allegations of scientific misconduct, 2024
By law
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- UN Convention on the Rights of Women (CEDAW) (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)
- Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence)
- (Act on) ILO Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
- Penal code (German: Strafgesetzbuch)
view as well: Laws, Documents, Regulations
- Topic Week "MeToo in Science?!" (2020 | Halle & online) - Blog
- DFG Projekt Pornography and sexual Empowerment
- Podcast with project leader Anja Schmidt about "Catcalling
The Office for the Prevention of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment was founded in 2018. On their homepage you can find further information about regulations, contact persons and procedures at MLU.
Therefore, following only a few (according to relevance) selected facilities, projects and information:
- General Equality Law (AGG), Istanbul-Konvention
- Discrimination because of gender (Sexism): Definition (Gender-Glossar), Topic Page ADS Bund , Topic Page bpb
> Heteronormativi ty (Gender-Gloassar), Cis-Sexismus (Glossaria) - benevolent (well-meaning) Sexism
- Supporter Information : Information for Sufferers and Supporters
- Views for gender equality university policy (bukof, 2020, S. 36): Against sexualised discrimination and violence
- BuKoF-Kommission "Sexualised Discriminationa dn Violence"
- CEWS-Portal "gender and sexualised violence in science"
- Infoportal of Leuphana University Lüneburg "Against sexualised assault"
- Gender-Power-Science
- Cultural Change - Antisexism-Initiative of Koordination Office for Promotion of Women and Equality TU Berlin
- Definition and Visualization: Open letter against sexual assault at universities
- Film "Picture a scientist "
- University Handlign with sexualised discrimination and violence. An inventory , 2021
- Mobbing in Science , Focus on Research and Teaching 2020
- Dependencies and Power Structures in Science , Deutschlandfunk 2020
- Together against sexism: Dialogue forums against sexism
- Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding , 2024
- UniSAFE Toolkit
- Podcastreihe Hinschauen! – Unterstützung von Personen, die von sexueller Belästigung betroffen sind, Uni Mainz
- Machtmissbrauch und Fehlverhalten in der Wissenschaft , Bericht der DPG-Kommission „Anreizsystem, Machtmissbrauch und wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten“ 2023, DUZ-Bericht
- Gender-specific digital violence, KCS information flyer in German and English .
- Report on sexual and gender-based violence in academia, with particular attention to diversity and intersectionality