Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

gleichtsellungsbeauftragte*r 24.11.21


Büro der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten

phone: (0345) 55 -21359
fax: (0345) 55 -27636 (neu)

Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)

Bürozeiten: Mo–Fr 8.30–15.00 Uhr
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

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About us: Equal Opportunities Officers of MLU

Legal represenation of interests

Equal Opportunity Officers are legal representers of interests for gender equality for all members of the university (students and stuff) (§ 72 HSG LSA).

They work for the managment of the university to take equality seriously and to implement it. They inform, advise and support with equality relevant concerns (> Activities).

Equal Opportunities Officers get elected every two years by the female members of the university. Every Member has a passive vote.

Not only the Equal Opportunities Officer of the university is elected but also the ones of the faculties and administration plus their Proxies.

The Equality Commission is the place of exchange for Equal Opportunities Officers.

The Equal Opportunities Office supports the work of the officers.

You can talk to the Equal opportunities Officer of the university and of your faculties. You can find contacts here.


Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg is on track when it comes to Equality but didn´t achieve every goal yet. Without Eqaul Opportunities Officers it would be far worse.

Equal opportunities Officers of MLU achieved following results:

  • Notably structures of prevention and intervention with sexism, sexualised violoence and harassment and mobbing. For example a guideline and the arrangement of Räventionsstelle Antidiskriminierung > Topicpage
  • Noteworthy promotion for junior scientists. For example network and assistant means, coaching and mentoring > Stabstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
  • Numerous projects and meassures for women in MINT or gender in teaching and science. For example MINT-Zi, FEMPOWER   , gender*bildet
  • Comprehensive arrangements and offers for compatibility from studies/work with family > family office
  • Guideline "Leitbild Gleichstellung"
  • Support of numerous people with their concerns and influence on a lot of decisions.
