Basically / By way of introduction
- Position(s) for a gender-equitable higher education policy (bukof, 2020)
- gender 2020 - Towards a gender-equitable university and scientific culture
- Countering Unconscious Bias in Science and Academia
- Research project "Gendered University
- Leopoldina statement "Women underrepresented in top positions: Leopoldina presents recommendations for gender-equitable science."
- The glass ceiling does not disappear through voice training - Interview with science coach Dr.in Ute Symanski.
- Gender Equality: How global universities are performing Part 1, Part 2.
- Gender Equality in Science . FES Impulse Paper No. 8 (2023)
Facilities, Topics, Portals
- Center of Excellence Women in Science and Research (CEWS). In particular: Topics - and project pages | research data , literature & statistics | femconsult (database of female scientists), equal opportunities law
- Council of Science and Humanities - Personnel and Equality
- Joint Science Conference - Equal Opportunities in Science and Research
- DFG - Equal Opportunities
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research - Equal Opportunities and Diversity in the Science System and Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth - Equal Opportunities
- State Ministry of Justice and Equal Opportunity - Central Office for Women's and Equal Opportunity Policy and State Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitalization
- EU Commission - Gender equality in research and innovation , European Research Council - Working group on Gender Issues
- European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
- UNESCO - Women in Science
- Research and teaching - Gender equality
- INSPIRE : Europe's Centre of Excellence on inclusive gender equality in research and innovation
- Federal Conference of Women's and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities e.V. (bukof)
- Saxony-Anhalt State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Universities and University Clinics (lakog)
- State conferences of other federal states
- FEMPOWER Network Saxony-Anhalt
- Coordination Office Gender Research & Equal Opportunities Saxony-Anhalt (KGC)
- Coordination offices of other federal states: Thuringia, Saxony
- Conference of Institutions for Women's and Gender Studies in German-speaking Countries (KEG)
- Network for Women's and Gender Studies NRW
- State Women's Council
- Conference of the Ministers for Gender Equality and Women's Issues of the Länder (changing hosts, last: 31st GFMK MV )
Data, reports
- Gender statistics science , CEWS
- Data on women in universities and non-university research institutions, GWK
- Equal Opportunity Monitor , DFG
- Federal Report on Young Scientists (BuWiN)
- Federal Statistical Office
- WSI, especially GenderDatenPortal
- Equality reports of the Federal Government: First (2011), Second (2017), Third (2021)
- Data portal of the National Academics Panel Study
- Link list of data collections, met iFiF
- Gender Equality Plans - Evaluation & Monitoring Tutorials (Project GEECCO)
- Standards, guidelines and quality assurance for measures to achieve gender equality in science (StaRQ)
- Equality in working life: Equal Treatment Check & Equal Pay Check , Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
- Gender Equality in Academia and Research (GEAR) tool
- Equal Tools - 40 measures for an equal opportunity university
- Diversity-X: Tool zur Erhöhung der Zitationsdiversität
Funding programs
- Funding programs for women in science and research, compilation CEWS April 2018
- Support for women in science: programs, grants, points of contact, academics
- Programs for women in the (MINT) sciences, scientifica
- local: Dorothea Erxleben Professorship University of Magdeburg, Award for Gender Research in Saxony-Anhalt .
- Podcast: LAP GAP - Frauen in der Wissenschaft ; Gleichheitszeichen - Geschichten aus der Wissenschaft ; Exzellent aber unsichtbar ; lost women of science ; Science S*heroes ; #InnovativeFrauen ; Die Wissen schafft ; Wissenschaft als Arbeitgeberin ; Lost Sheroes; Forscherinnenfreitag
- Dossier: Zeitgeschichte online - Frauen* in der Wissenschaft ; Terra X Wissens Kolumne - Wo sind die Frauen in der Wissenschaft? ; Academics Themenseite „Frauen und Berufsleben“
- Film: Picture a scientist – Frauen in der Wissenschaft ; Hidden Figures ; Feminism - WTF
- Show: Reschke Fernsehen
- Rede: TED Talk The history (and future) of women in STEM
- Auf den Punkt gebracht: 3 Zahlen sprechen Klartext ; Torten der Wahrheit
- Interaktiv: Führungsfrauen-Floskel-Bingo ; Mental Load Tests
- OpenMic: Gleichstellung trifft Geschlechterforschung
- Project on Female History: Oral histories of feminist theory
- Bosetti Late Night - Der unterdrückte Mann - Müssen Frauen Macht abgeben?