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Gender Representation
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Diversity Library of the University of Halle: gender studies collection by Brigitte Rauschenbach.
[See also articles under "General news", keyword: "SICHTBARKEIT"]
- Innovative women in focus : Homepage on the BMBF funding guideline, with information on the projects and the topic, overview info pool
- Podcast "Die Wissen schafft" episode #10 Gender visbility
- Best practice brochure How female experts become visible
The goal of gender equally language is to make people of every gender visible and thereofore to trat them equally. Such language is not only fairer but also distincter and with that more effective.
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- The university obligates itself in Equality Guide to use gender equally language.
- Recommondationas for gender sensitive language of Staff Position Diversity and Equal Opportunities
- Information of the Prevention and Support Office Antidiscrimination
- Orientation Help for gender sensitive language at Mediacal Faculty and Medical Center Halle (Saale) (13 S.)
Picture: Maria Schiekel
- Views for gender equally university policy (bukof, 2020): Gendern changes (S. 18)
- Colon or asterisk?
On the question of the barrier-free nature of gender-sensitive language (bukof 6/22) - Gend-O-Mat interaktive, humoristic Guide of Bauhaus Uni Weimar
- Gender Dictionary GESCHICKT GENDERN independant register of alternative gender-fair terms
- genderleicht Tipps and Tools for discrimination free Writing and Speeking
- Gender- sensitive Communication Toolkit of the European Institute for Gender Equality, Handbook inclusive (engl.)
- Woman. Man. And so much more. - Informationen about gender-fair language in easy language, Club "Leicht Lesen"
- Gender-fair Communication - Uni Kassel, here for example a collection of scientific basics
- Podcast episode "Wissen Weekly" zu "Sprache: Was bringt Gendern wirklich? "
- legal expertise about genderfair official language - HU Berlin
Guidelines and Tools
- "Adress everyone, show everyone, mean erveryone." - Assistance Language and Visualization of BURG Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle; Abstract
- Gender-fair in Language and Image - Guide of University of Kassel and Recommandations of Equality Satff Position for the use of genderreflective language
- ÜberzeuGENDERe Sprache - Guide for gender sensitive and inclusive language of University of Köln
- Gender sensitive language - Flyer of Freie Universität Berlin
- Collection of Guides , 2020
- Guide For Discrimination-free language , 2021
- FührMINT Gender Decoder Überprüfung und Hinweise zu genderfairen Stellenanzeigen; für englische Ausschreibungen