Büro der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
phone: (0345) 55 -21359
fax: (0345) 55 -27636 (neu)
Barfüßerstraße 17
06108 Halle (Saale)
Bürozeiten: Mo–Fr 8.30–15.00 Uhr
Sprechzeiten: nach vereinbarung
"Gender" and "gender equality" are not detached from, but interact with other
- aspects of diversity (all of them: social constructs) such as origin, class, age and disability,
- related power relations such as racism, classism, ageism and ableism, as well as
- policies directed towards or against it.
The term intersectionality describes the fact that disadvantages due to diversity aspects are intertwined and thus produce social positioning and individual experiences of their own kind.
DGI (Diversity, Equality, Inclusion)
The terms diversity and inclusion, like the term equality, refer to the social participation of people with different aspects of diversity.Methodologically, diversity and inclusion are primarily about recognizing and appreciating as well as promoting (diversity) or integrating (inclusion) differences, while equality aims primarily at reducing (opportunity) inequality. Inclusion and equality have their weight in action orientation, while diversity is often limited to a descriptive approach. In practice, each term is often used in a limited way to certain aspects of diversity: equality in connection with gender or disability, inclusion in connection with disability and diversity, especially in connection with racism and classism.
Inclusion and diversity can and should ideally be conceived as a comprehensive, active anti-discrimination policy. There is then much to suggest that they and (gender) equality belong together. However, there is also a lot to be said for separating responsibilities nevertheless.
In any case, however, (gender) equality must strive to be intersectional in order not to discriminate within the target group and to reproduce privileges, but to ensure that all persons in the (inherently heterogeneous) target group, e.g. not only white, healthy, but all women, are equally taken into account or benefit.
Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Witenberg sets value to dircrimation-, assault-, and violence-free contact with eachother to ceate and keep proper research-, teaching- and learning-conditions.
The Prevention and Counseling Office Anti-Discrimination was arranged in 2018. On their homepage you can find further information about regulations, contact persons and procedures at MLU.
- Diversity Statement dof MLU, 2021
- Staff position Diversity and Equal Opportunities
- Office for the Prevention of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
- International Office, Foreigner Officer, InternationalGraduation Academy InGrA
- Counceling Office for Inclusion, Representetive Body For Disabled People, Inclusion Officer of the Senate and Employer
- Discrimination and sexualised Assault and Violence - Counseling and Support for Students and Staff - Lists and Roadmaps
General information
- German National Anti-Discrimination Office
- General Act of Equal Treatment, Germany
- Roadmap General Act of Equal Treatment, Germany
- Guide to General Act of Equal Treatment, Germany
- Gender Glossary
- Gender(Sexism, Heteronormativity, Cis-Sexism) --> Topic sites Sexism, sexualised Assault and Violence and Mobbing and TIN / gender divers
- Inter…what? Intersectionality! A visual introduction
Comprehensive information
- Publications of the Amadeo Antonio Associations (Amadeo Antonio Stiftung)
- Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (ADS)
- Antidiskriminierungsverband Deutschland (advd)
- Tipps und Gründe für mehr Diversity. Ein Schlüssel zum nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg , Queb
- Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG) , AGG-Wegweiser , Evaluation des AGG
- Leitfaden: Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen , ADS (2019)
- Intersektionalität - Themenportal , Gunda Werner Institut
- Portal Intersektionalität
- Inter…was? Intersektionalität! Eine visuelle Einführung .
- Einführung in die Intersektionalität , Lehrvideo Universität Bremen (2019)
- Social Justice und Radical Diversity
- Charta der Vielfalt - Diversity in der Arbeitswelt - hier insbes.: "Vielfalt fair gestalten. Diversity Management für betriebliche Interessenvertretungen" sowie Factbook & Factsheet 2023
- Hä? Was heißt denn… Glossar gegen die Panik vor Wörtern , MissyMagazin
- unboxing discrimination , Antidiskriminierungskampagne Uni Köln
- Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit , Themenflyer Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
- Antidiskriminierung , Onlinekurs IQ
- , Info-Plattform zu Unconciuos Bias
- Implizite Assoziationstest (IAT) , Tests zu (Unbewußten) Vorurteilen Standford University
Dimensions of Diversity and Discrimination
- Heterosexism
- Racism
- Ableism
- Classism
- Lookism
- Ageism
- Intersectionality - Gunda Werner Institute
- Diversity Charta & Associations
- #unboxingdiscrimination at Uni Cologne
Within the field of Science
- “’All Equally Different!?’ - Diversity in Theory and Practice“ - Lecture series
- European Commission report and fact sheet on current evolving practices and policies at EU level and in national contexts regarding inclusive equality plans and strategies.
- Relevance of Gender and Diversity in Science, Portal of the German Science Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- Towards inclusive gender equality in research and innovation, Report and Fact sheet European Commission on the currently evolving practices and policies at EU level and in national contexts regarding inclusive gender equality plans and gender equality strategies in research and innovation (2022)
- Eine Universität für alle – Universität und Diversität: Status Quo , Studie Universität Magdeburg (2023)
- Gender und Diversity in der Lehre , Toolbox FU Berlin
- Inklusion im Lehralltag , MOOC und Inklusive Hochschullehre , Selbstlernkurs
- Relevanz von Geschlecht und Vielfältigkeit in der Forschung , Portal DFG
- Die gerechte Hochschule. Visionen einer guten und diversen Wissenschaft , Podcast-Miniserie (2022)
- Antidiskriminierung und Gleichstellung , Workshop ( 2023)