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Compatibility with Family
In theory, mothers and fathers have equal rights. In practice, however, female parents often take on the majority of the care work and take a back seat in their careers (in academia). They can also be disadvantaged by absences due to pregnancy. In addition to the Family Office, the Equal Opportunity Office also wants to support the compatibility of parenthood and career.
- Action Program audit family friendly university
- Staff Position Diversity and Eqal opportunities - family friendly university
- Familienbüro
- Die Mutterschaftlerin : Equality project with funds from the female proffesorship program II
- CEWS-Topic Site "Family Friendly Science "
- Views for a Gender Equally University Policy (bukof, 2020): Care but fair (S. 10)
- About relations between Family and Quality Policies (in scientific newsletter by FU , S. 67), Dr. Kathrin van Riesen, 2021
- The Way to a Family Orientd University - Lessons Learnt from the Covid-19-Pandemic , CHE, 2021
- Network Motherhood and Science
- Mental Load Tests