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Equality Policy and Resistance
Equality Policy wants to change the status quo, which means "Equality is not achieved yet". It expresses uncomfortable questions and critics, jolts at structures and believes and positions specific promotes next to general demands.
With that it comes of course to resistance.
The resistance is not only factual discussions about concrete goals, concepts, strategies or single meassures how it would be appropriate in a democratic and scientific embossed contexts. It comes also increasingly in form of anti-feminist hostilities and assaults.
Therefore Equality work gets harder for the ones, who practise it actively. Furthermore it gets protracted for the ones who profit from Equality. It is important to look at achievements in the context of the input!
At this page there will be prospective information and suggestions about the topic. So how to handle ressistance and assaults and how to practice self care.

- Together for a gender-fair, various science: Stand up against anti-feminist posittions!, bukof-position paper 2019
- Help when it comes to Anti-Feminism and Hate Speech here
- Controversial Equality Policy. Help for argumentation, FES 2011
- Power of resistance against Anit-Feminism, Female Scientists Newsletter 2020
- „Anti-Feminism splits society“, DUZ
- #FührungsFrauenFloskel-BINGO
- Toolbox: Gender and Diversity in Teaching | FU Berlin